Programs are for "all of us"

Immigration Advocacy Network
I.A.N é uma avenida para o sucesso migratório. A I.A.N pretende educar, aconselhar e rever a documentação apresentada por imigrantes de todas as nacionalidades.
I.A.N es una vía para el éxito migratorio. I.A.N tiene la intención de educar, asesorar y revisar la documentación presentada por inmigrantes de todas las nacionalidades.
I.A.N là một con đường dẫn đến thành công trong việc di cư. I.A.N dự định giáo dục, tư vấn và xem xét tài liệu được gửi bởi những người nhập cư thuộc mọi quốc tịch.
إن آي إن هي وسيلة لتحقيق نجاح الهجرة. تعتزم منظمة آي إيه إن تثقيف وإرشاد ومراجعة الوثائق المقدمة من المهاجرين من جميع الجنسيات.
I.A.N is an avenue for migratory success. I.A.N intends to educate, advise and review documentation submitted by immigrants of all nationalities.
Affordable memberships. Thành viên giá cả phải chăng,
عضويات ميسورة التكلفة eudwiaat maysurat altaklifa, Adesões acessíveis, Membresías asequibles

Harm Reduction
The Greater American Leadership strives to provide psycho-educational seminars and workshops that involve a multidisciplinary panel of collaborative agents. We are determined to utilize technological advances, cultural competencies best practices, historical sensitivity understanding, and current scientific research to develop a well-rounded seminar and workshops that provides individuals with a plethora of community resources and engagement opportunities to deliver harm reduction strategies with socially applicable best practices.
Outreach opportunities, resource fairs, panel discussions, workshops and mobile clinics in partnership with community providers.
Providing an organizational G.A.P analysis we strive to incorporate socially responsible trainings
2 hr
RangesEmotional Inteligence, Resiliency, Cultural Competency Self-worth
8 hr
120 US dollarsWe are incredible partners and provide greater insight in personal & Professional growth
8 hr
120 US dollarsMotivational Speaker, Motivational I, Team Building Dynamic exercises.
120 US dollarsUse this area to describe one of your services.
60 hr
Empowerment Female Support Project
72 hr
How Organizations Can Support Us?
"Connect with The Greater American Leadership for tailored coaching sessions, enriching professional development, and dynamic workshops designed to empower individuals or groups. Elevate your organization with our expertise in leadership development, and join our resource fairs to access valuable tools and networks. Together, let's catalyze change, foster inclusivity, and build resilient communities."
The Wisdom Program is designed to create generational empathy, decrease isolation, improve mood related disorders via evidence best practices that showcase the best of humanity and our innate ability to connect.
As researched and shared by the Institute Family Studies "Babies and the elderly in day care together may sound far-fetched, but it’s one of the most promising ways to help alleviate elderly alienation and expose children to a generation they might otherwise never know."
Conversely, studies showcase the benefit on increasing interaction between young professionals with mentors from a "wiser" generation.
The Greater American Leadership provides experience base and practical applications of current research to implement generational psycho-social interaction. We design activities, story telling sessions, literature review dissemination and training seminars from cross-cultural geriatric experts. We facilitate generational and cultural growth while cultivating a more positive future for our youth